Sunday, April 12, 2009

Brigada Verde Conference

We went to a conference for Brigada Verde Friday through Sunday and we had a great time. Brigada Verde is a national, Peace Corps-started youth group that allows youth to develop leadership skills and learn about the environment. If a volunteer has a good number of youth in their community, he or she can start a chapter of their own. It’s like an environmental club; a chapter does fundraisers, community service projects (like a beach or street clean-up), creates and maintains a garden, etc. The club is really cool so I really hope I can start one when I get to my community.

The conference was more like a camp. The site was in the middle of no-where on top of a hill, we slept in tents, it had a pool, one night we had a huge bonfire and of course we had s’mores. We, the group of volunteers, weren’t really campers and weren’t really camp counselors; we were just in between. We had sessions were we learned about Brigada Verde and how to start our own chapter, but we also helped out the kids with arts and crafts and had our own section of activities with them.

The kids were really into the environment stuff which was really cool to see. Also, they were very talented musically! Each night they would get out tambors (drums), maracas, and guiro and play, and clap, and sing songs. A guiro is a round cylinder with holes cut out where the metal sticks out (like a cheese grater) and you strike a metal stick up and down it. They were really good at coming up with beats and matching each other. It was a great culture experience.

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