Monday, March 16, 2009


One potential challenge for me in this country is the presence of machismo. Machismo is the idea that the man is the top of the household, and the woman does all of the cooking and cleaning. Another big part of it is the “cat calls.” In Austin, you got called in the street if you are walking down 6th or certain other places. Here, you get called EVERYWHERE. Apparently, it’s even worse for Americans. Being white, you stick out like a sore thumb and are constantly badgered. Right now, I’m trying to hang out at mi madre’s colmado as much as possible. It is very popular and several young guys from the neighborhood come by for some late night soda, beer, or candy. I sit there and say “Hola, como esta?” to everyone that walks by; hopefully I can make a presence so that they recognize me on the street later on and I am subjected to less machismo and more friendliness.

Update on Machismo:
Yesterday we went over some of the things guys say and how to deal with it. They gave us some translations of some popular cat calls and taken out of context they are just hilarious and cheesy pick-up lines. Enjoy:

Que Dios te guarde y me de la llave. – May God keep you and give me the key.
Mami estas como me la receto de medico. – Mami you’re just what the Dr ordered.
Cuantas curvas y yo sin frenos. – All those curves and I don’t have brakes.
Pareces un Volkswagen, con el motor atras. You’re like a Volkswagen with the motor in back.
Un sancocho, un pote, y contigo que me maten a los diez minutos.-
Dominican stew, a bottle of rum. And with you, they could kill me after 10 minutes.

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