Friday, November 20, 2009


The names here come in three categories:

1. Traditional English names (with a Latin twist on the pronounciation)
Nelson, Jeffrey, Christian, Angel, Junior, Alexandra

2. Traditional Latin names
Maria, Rosa, Manuel, Juan, Miguel, Ana

3. The hard to pronounce and even harder to spell
Zuelaki (Sue-lake-e), Neftali, Digamara, Crismeyti (Chris-my-tea), Orbelisa, Arislati (R-is-lady)

*It seems like when a couple like a name, they like it so much they name all of their children variations of the same name.
Irlenny and Ilenny are sisters.
Crismayti and Crismeyti are sisters.
Yissel, Yolli, and Yoti, are siblings.

*My name: I go by Rebekah to the Dominicans for 2 reasons. (1) I like how they pronounce it. I can't pronounce it the way they do and half the time when I'm telling someone my name they don't understand me, but when they say it, it sounds really pretty.
And (2) "beca" means scholarship in Spanish and I didn't want to go by scholarship for the next two years.

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