I have now been at my site for three weeks and have been having an interesting experience so far.
The helicopter ride was amazing. A little scary at first because it was really shaky, but the view was amazing.

I started working on my diagnostic (going house to house with community members to meet people. Also, I started teaching English in the school and one class to the adults. Everything has been going well so far. I have had one meeting with the group I’m going to be working with, Junta de Vecinos, and they sound very excited about working. I have yet to see a turtle but there are plenty on congrejos or crabs and one day a couple of dolphins came close to the shore.
In two weeks, I will present my diagnostic at the one year conference, and decide which project to undertake.
As for communication, there is internet at the restaurant next door to my house, but the owner for some reason doesn’t want us to use it. The “centro de llamada” or call center is a really tall tree that you have to climb to the very top. I haven’t gotten to the top yet, but 4 kilometers away I get a little bit of service.

Centro de llamada